Today’s online consumer expects real estate professionals to provide extensive, quality online information when it comes to searching properties. With that in mind, it is essential you consider this expectation when developing your online presence.
Internet Data Exchange, or IDX, provides you the ability to allow consumers to search listings from your website. SABOR offers several options for you to implement this function.
Embed a frameable link. You may embed or attach a framable link to your website which will allow a search page to appear when potential clients visit your page. You can do this through the set-up tab in MLS at no additional charge.
Work with a web designer. You may work with a web designer to customize a search page. SABOR maintains a list of approved vendors which brokers and agents may contract with directly in order to create a search page for a website. To request a list of SABOR approved vendors, contact
IDX feeds are available to Designated REALTORS®; however, if your broker has a feed and displays the search on a company website, you may be able to link to that site.
Link to You may also link to the public property search site at Please keep in mind that will show all available listings from the MLS and will not be limited only to your listings.
Vendors must complete an agreement that is signed by the principal officer of the company building the website for the SABOR agent/broker member.
Click here for a Third-Party Vendor Agreement.
Brokers must complete an agreement that is signed by the designated broker of the requesting member and must also be signed by the requesting agent (if any).
Click here for the IDX Agreement.
Virtual Office Websites (VOW’s) or Other Third Party Approved Products must complete an agreement that is signed by the principal officer of the company and by the consultant or vendor where applicable.
Click here for VOW Agreement.
Click here for Broker Back Office Agreement.
Once completed*, the form(s) may be faxed or emailed to:
Fax: 210-593-1251
*Please note only forms completed in full will be accepted.
Customer Service and Technical Support
Phone: 210-593-1206