Get Involved
There are a number of ways to stay involved, whether as a leader or as a member.
Attend Conferences and Get to Know Leadership
By attending local, state and national association meetings, you can network with and get to know members and leaders on the various committees serving at these levels. You can also attend (as a guest) any committee meetings in which you are interested. You may also choose to attend other meetings at the conference as well as events such as installations, TREPAC/RPAC events, regional caucuses and keynote meetings where you can introduce yourself to local, state and national leadership personnel and staff.
You can also speak to the leadership of any committees in which you are interested and let them know you’d like to be involved. Leadership is always looking for new faces and ideas and they’ll be eager to hear how you can contribute.
Get to Know Staff Liaisons
Staff often make recommendations to those selecting members to serve on SABOR, Texas REALTORS® and NAR committees. If you are interested in serving, get to know the staff liaison on that committee. Let them know you want to get involved and why.
Keep Association Profiles Updated
Be sure your profile with NAR and Texas REALTORS® is up to date including current contact information and head shot. This will help key people to put a face to the name.
Don’t Give Up
You may not get on the committee you want the first time. But don’t let that deter you. Many members in leadership today did not get selected the first time they applied. Keep applying and show your interest.
Stay Connected
Maintain contact with the leaders and staff you meet, and if possible, stay connected through NAR’s The Hub.
Whether you want to serve at the local, state, or national level, there is an opportunity waiting for you.
Opportunities to Serve
Browse the opportunities below. Please note that some leadership opportunities may require prerequisites, which are outlined in the descriptions. Also, appointments may have term requirements.
SABOR Board of Directors applications are now open. Apply Here
Committee Service
SABOR has multiple committees on which members can serve for one or two-year terms. Applications typically open late summer and are due in early fall.
Board of Directors
All Directors must be SABOR members in good standing and shall have been members for at least one year. Prior to applying, all Director applicants must also have served a minimum of one full year on a SABOR committee within the last three years.
Directors serve a three-year term and may only serve two consecutive terms.
Executive Committee
The Executive committee consists of three officers and two members-at-large from the Board of Directors. The officers are Chair, Chair-Elect and Secretary/Treasurer.
At-Large: Prior to taking office, the Executive Committee Members-at-Large must have completed a year on the Board of Directors, either present or within the past three years.
Officers: Unless a holdover, officers serve one-year terms in their respective positions. All officers must be REALTOR® members of the Board and have been members for at least two years. Prior to taking office, officers must have completed one year of service as a SABOR Board of Directors member and this service must be within three years from the date of application.
Chair and Chair-Elect have additional requirements:
Chair: The Chair of the Board position is filled by an automatic elevation of the prior year’s Chair-Elect.
Chair-Elect: Prior to taking office, the Chair-Elect shall have served a minimum of one year on the Executive Committee within the past three years.
Committee Service
Texas REALTORS® has a number of committees on which you can serve. Applications are typically open around May. To see a list of committees and their descriptions, click here.
Board of Directors
Board members are responsible for amending Texas REALTORS® Bylaws, electing Texas REALTORS® officers, approving expenditures from general reserves that exceed 10 percent of the annual budget, approving the Texas REALTORS®’ strategic plan, approving an increase in membership dues and defining regional boundaries.
Directors must attend the Winter and Annual Texas REALTORS® Meetings (typically in February and September each year) and provide reports on those meetings to the SABOR Board of Directors.
To apply, you must be a primary SABOR member in good standing, have attended at least one Texas REALTORS® meeting within the last three years and have one of the following:
Completed two years on a SABOR committee
Be a current or past member of the SABOR Board of Directors
Members of the Texas REALTORS® Board of Directors are elected by their local association. Applications are typically due to SABOR around August of each year.
Service is a three-year term.
Available positions are Chair, Chair-Elect and Secretary/Treasurer and these positions are tasked with leading the Board of Directors and the association at the state level. Applicants must be a REALTOR® or Individual Member and be nominated by at least 25 percent of the Texas REALTORS® Nominating Committee.
Regional Vice President (RVP)
RVPs facilitate the Regional Caucus meetings at the Texas REALTORS® Winter and Annual Meetings, assist in promoting Texas REALTORS® policies and programs within specified regions, assist in planning Texas REALTORS® Regional Meetings and supporting other Texas REALTORS® officers in these meetings, act as a Texas REALTORS® resource to their local association, and attend Texas REALTORS® RVP meetings and provide a report to SABOR’s Board of Directors.
Applicants must be a primary SABOR member in good standing, have served on a Texas REALTORS® committee, task force, or have served on the Texas REALTORS® Board of Directors within the past three years, and may not be from the same brokerage as a sitting RVP at the time of election for an RVP position.
RVPs are nominated by their local associations to represent them at the state level. Applications are typically due around August-October but can change depending on the association with local nominations historically due to Texas REALTORS® around the end of each year.
Service is a two-year term.
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee interviews candidates for statewide and national directors, officers, and regional vice presidents, and submits recommendations to the association’s board of directors. Click here for a full description and criteria.
Applicants must have attended four out of the six most recent Texas REALTORS® Conferences, participated in Texas REALTORS® activities within the three years prior to the date of the application, served as a Texas REALTORS® Director, member of a Texas REALTORS® committee or Task Force, have knowledge of members from across the state and served as a member of their local Board of Directors for the sponsoring association. Members cannot be a sitting Texas REALTORS® RVP.
Members of the Texas REALTORS® Nominating Committee are recommended by their local association, but the elections for this position are conducted by the association’s RVP. This election typically happens in June or July.
Service is a two-year term.
Texas REALTORS® Political Action Committee (TREPAC) Trustee
TREPAC Trustees are dedicated volunteers from the association membership that recognize the importance of the PAC. Click here for a full description and criteria.
Members seeking to apply for this position must be a primary SABOR member in good standing, have served on either the SABOR Government Affairs or TREPAC committees, be a $110 Club level investor for the two years prior to the date of the application and be willing to maintain a minimum of $500 investment per year they are serving as Trustee, be a registered voter, be a graduate or commitment to be a graduate of the Texas REALTORS® Spokesperson Training Program, and have fundraising experience and be able to implement and follow administrative plans.
Candidates for this position should not be a SABOR Officer at the same time as serving as a Trustee.
Trustees serve a two-year term beginning October 1 through September 30.
TREPAC Trustees are recommended by their local association. Applications are typically solicited by SABOR around July or August.
Political Involvement Coordinator (PIC)
A part of the association’s regional leadership structure, the PIC serves as a conduit of information and political intel between local boards and Texas REALTORS®. PIC members work to increase REALTOR® grassroots participation in Texas REALTOR®’s political advocacy efforts. Click here for a full description and criteria.
PIC members serve a two-year term beginning December 1 through November 30.
Applicants are recommended by the local association by May 31 of the year preceding any vacancy.
Committee Service
NAR has a number of committees on which you can serve. Applications are typically open from March-June. To view a list of NAR committees, committee structure and selection process, click here.
Board of Directors
Directors are responsible for governing the association, approving expenditures, setting membership dues, setting NAR public policy related to the real estate industry, approving membership programs, products and services, and approving and recommending amendments to the NAR Bylaws, constitution, and Code of Ethics. Directors must attend the Midyear and Annual NAR Meetings (typically in May and November of each year) and provide reports on those meetings to the SABOR Board of Directors.
Applicants must be a primary member of SABOR in good standing, have attended at least one NAR meeting within the last three years, and have one of the following:
- Completed two years on a SABOR Committee
- Be a current or past member of SABOR’s Board of Directors
Service is a one-year term.
Members of NAR’s Board of Directors are elected by their local association. Applications are typically due to SABOR around August of each year with nominations due to NAR around the beginning of October.
Available positions are President, President-Elect, First Vice President, Regional Vice President (one from each region) and Treasurer (two-year). A description of each NAR Officer’s position, powers and duties can be found in NAR’s Bylaws on NAR’s website here. The term is one year or until a successor assumes office (except for Treasurer which serves two years or until a successor assumes office).
Federal Political Coordinator (FPC)
FPCs advocate policy initiatives that support a fundamentally sound and dynamic U.S. real estate market. To learn more, click here.
Every two years, incoming State Association Presidents recommend FPC appointments to NAR. The NAR RPMIC Chair then finalizes the recommendation and the President of NAR officially approves the recommendation. In developing recommendations for nominating new FPCs, Texas REALTORS® considers:
- Local board recommendation(s)
- Elected official’s recommendation(s)
- Area of official’s concentrated influence
- Home base of elected official
- Demographics of district
- History of REALTOR® association involvement
- Voting history
- Knowledge of real estate issues
- Support of the REALTOR® Party
- TREPAC/RPAC history
- Relationship with elected official/staff
- Ability and willingness to perform required duties
- Applicant’s Residence
There are no term limits for FPC positions.